Bra utjämningspolitik i Palestina

Det är inte varje dag som vi hör om goda nyheter från Palestina.

I den senaste Oxfam-rapporten om Commitment to Reduce Inequality (CRI) under pandemins två första år får de Ockuperade palestinska områdena beröm.

De flesta länder i världen har negligerat den ökande ojämlikheten under pandemin. Sverige har till exempel sjunkit från tionde till tjugonde plats av världens länder med mest jämlikhet och är nu ojämlikast i hela Norden. Palestina har enligt Oxfam bedrivit en klok politik i syfte att utjämna skillnader.

Låt oss citera Oxfam, CRI:

”The CRI also demonstrates that some governments from countries of every income level have chosen to use their policy space to take clear steps to fight inequality. The actions are an example to the world, demonstrating that inequality is a policy choice, and shaming the majority of countries that are failing to act. To give some examples:

  • The Occupied Palestinian Territory increased anti-inequality social spending from 37% to 47% of its budget; and Nepal increased health spending by more than half between 2019 and 2021.
  • Costa Rica increased its top rate of income tax by 10 percentage points, and Argentina and Bolivia introduced wealth and solidarity taxes on their wealthiest citizens.
  • Barbados introduced a comprehensive set of laws to improve women’s labour rights, and the Maldives introduced a nationwide minimum wage for the first time.”

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Anna Karin Hammar

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Bli medlem i Kairos Palestine Sweden